Explore Now: Mykonos, Greece
Through all the trials and political tribulations, Greece remains strong in its morals, and aesthetics - unchallenged by its beauty and warmth of spirit...and sun!
Images all to be viewed while listening to Fleet Foxes - Mykonos :)
Blue and White
The classic Greecian image - a cliche some might say, but undeniably pleasing when the platinum white is set against the vibrant blue. Amazing how a round, three-dimensional structure meets the sky to create dramatic, seemingly flat plains and angular shadows, in the height of the midday sun.
Washing Line
Aside from the landscape and the climate, Greece always offers the most warm welcome from its locals. Their openness and honesty; how they are unafraid to show their flaws and literally hang out their dirty laundry! It looks incredibly majestic as it billows in the wind.
Fruit Shop
There is so much character on every corner. The cobbled streets of the old town leads you down mysterious paths with quaint little shops and stalls at each turn, luring you in with their scents and colours. I couldn’t resist the combination I saw here - the utterly perfect turquoise beaming against the citrus orange. An image for all the senses.
A moment playing the tourist card - I headed down to the water’s edge for the sunset - and here’s the result. The built up houses and multi-coloured balconies, with the warm summer sun shining its golden face on this corner of land and water was irresistible.
Explore Now is a series that captures the beauty in travel. Photographers from around the world share with us their favourite gems in a city through their own lens.

About Rosie Levine
Rosie is a graphic designer by trade, and photographer during out of office hours - capturing lifes' moments with my canon 100D or iphone 6. A self -confessed social media addict and dedicated instagrammer, she loves to document my life, and travels, is always listening to music while she chooses the right filter. VSCO cam is her current fave app - applying that extra touch to create a unique composition.
Instagram: @rosie_levine
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