Where are our bags made?
Factory: Guangzhou Baiyun Gioddy Leather Bag Factory
Location: Guangzhou, China
Established: 2006
We first visited Gioddy enroute a trip to Hong Kong in April 2016. We met Tina (who coincidently has the same name as our founder) who showed us around the factory who produces quality handbags for a number of international brands.
They dedicate themselves to supplying quality products to their clients and developing a growing relationship together. Tina assured us they are a company that works with their clients with an open mindset to produce premium quality goods for brands.
Their business promise stems from “zero-defect quality and zero-complaint service”.
Their company values are:
- Honesty
- Embrace Change
- Passion
- Dedicated to the job
Gioddy has been paramount in helping us bring our camera bag vision to life. They supported us with their manufacturing expertise and their ability for low quantity production meant we could focus on designing a premium product.
The Material
Aushan Viviin
This PU leather is fully compliant with international standards and American standard. It holds a California 65 and an EN71-3. It’s a high quality PU leather, animal free, super soft and smooth to touch and has been created with ECO-friendly standards in mind.
There are no hazardous chemicals present in the product.