27 countries at 24 - Q&A with Travel Blogger Bec Wright
Walking around a foreign country with any obvious sign that you're a tourist is never really a good idea when you're carrying a shit load of camera gear with you. You might as well be carrying a backpack made of dollar notes.
Travelling with camera gear has always been a bit of a conundrum; travel blogger and video producer Bec Wright (www.becwright.com) tells us how she carries her gear and stays incognito while travelling. Having travelled to 27 countries at 24, she's gained a tad of experience on taking gear on the road that's worth sharing.
Here's some of her best and worst travel experiences and her 5 super useful travel essentials that we wish we knew of yesterday.
Where did you travel to in 2013?
In 2013 I filmed a documentary series in Bolivia, London, Bangladesh, Tanzania and rural China. Then in July I ventured off on my own to Argentina and Uruguay for a personal trip where I focussed on taking portraits.
What’s been your most memorable travel experience so far?
My best and worst experience, have to be within the same 3 days! I visited a working ranch in northern Uruguay where I ate traditional gaucho stew, herded sheep and cattle on horseback and lived in a hundred year old ranch lit by candlelight. However it was also the worst experience as my host was a lunatic. Definitely a memorable few days!
What camera and lens do you travel with?
This year I travelled for work with a Canon 5D mark iii. We often use an 85mm prime which is a bulky lens, and a 24-70mm as well. For my personal travel I had my nifty little Canon 500D with a 50mm, 18-55mm and a zoom lens.
How do you carry your gear while travelling?
I have a small lowpro, over the shoulder camera bag. It’s small and lightweight, but pretty obvious it’s a camera bag. I chose it because it offered some protection and it wasn’t too bulky. I’ve also got a Crumpler Karachi Outpost, which is a nice looking padded backpack.
What’s the best and worst thing about travelling with your gear?
I never want to walk around a foreign country with any obvious sign that I am a tourist, so when I have a camera bag slung over my shoulder it’s tough to stay incognito. I’m often travelling in developing nations where life isn’t as easy as it can be back home. I’ve had a few attempts of bag snatchers and pick pockets and so keeping my gear in my possession is my main prerogative! My small lowpro bag is pretty good because it can sit close to my body.
But taking any camera with me overseas is a necessity. I love taking portraits of faces around the world so my trusty 50mm will always be on hand.
What are your 5 travel essentials?
A small cushion for train, bus and plane travel. Ear plugs to block out those loud backpackers in hostels. Thongs, because they fit into any crevice of my bag. Camera… of course. And some Imodium, for those special meals.
Bec is a travel blogger and video producer for a non-for-profit organisation producing promos, ads and documentaries. She blogs about towns she visits, the people she meets and little creative projects she pursues while abroad. Her work is full of heart and pretty much makes all the friends around her jealous…bar the lunatic host in Uruquay maybe.
Check out the rest of her blog.
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